How to build a Decision Tree for Classification with Python

As promised in my July 2022 Machine Learning Study Plans, here is content on decision trees. Specifically, let’s talk about how you can build a trained decision tree for a classification problem with the Python library Scikit-Learn. I will also address what steps you need to take before using the example dataset in terms of……

One Hot Encoding – How to deal with categorical data in Machine Learning

Many models in machine learning don’t work with categorical data. So what do we do in that case? Of course you can always just remove them, but you would lose a lot of valuable information. So in this post, I share how you can use one hot encoding to make that information usable. I stumbled……

Looking back on June 2022: Wrapping up work projects and reviving this blog

It’s always amazing how you think your life is incredibly boring until you write a wrap-up like this post and realize that stuff actually happened!! This month, “stuff” included a mini vacation (or workation?), a “first” at work (I work as a Data Science Consultant, check this post if you want to know what that……

Are Decision Trees the Siblings of Neural Networks? – Interesting research

I recently stumbled upon a research paper about decision trees that made me feel interested in decision trees for the first time in my life. Let me tell you why. My fascination with Neural Networks During my master’s degree (2020-2021) in Computer Science I developed a fascination for neural networks. But not because of their……

What is validation data used for? – Machine Learning Basics

You have probably heard of the train-test-split in the context of machine learning, which is fairly intuitive. Show some examples to your model, let it learn and then test it on other examples. But there is one more data split that is used and that is the train-validation-test split or sometimes achieved by using cross-validation.……

How to present data in context – Chapter 1 Summary Storytelling with Data

Summary of Chapter 1, called “The importance of context”, of the book Storytelling with Data. Book website. Book cover of the original book I’m talking about here, would recommend. Don’t have affiliate links, so please find it yourself in your favorite book store. Presenting data is a scientific and fact-based endeavor, right? “Storytelling with Data”……

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