Are Decision Trees the Siblings of Neural Networks? – Interesting research

I recently stumbled upon a research paper about decision trees that made me feel interested in decision trees for the first time in my life. Let me tell you why. My fascination with Neural Networks During my master’s degree (2020-2021) in Computer Science I developed a fascination for neural networks. But not because of their……

What is validation data used for? – Machine Learning Basics

You have probably heard of the train-test-split in the context of machine learning, which is fairly intuitive. Show some examples to your model, let it learn and then test it on other examples. But there is one more data split that is used and that is the train-validation-test split or sometimes achieved by using cross-validation.……

Linear Algebra 101 for Machine Learning | Scalar, Vector, Matrix explained

[mathjax] Some math is necessary to get started with machine learning and understand most of the beginner discourse on the topic, especially if you are looking into the theory of it. So let’s get you started with some of the basic terminology and objects that are important from the area of linear algebra. Why do……

Epochs, Iterations and Batch Size – Deep Learning Basics Explained

At the start of every Deep Learning problem, we have a data set and a largely untrained model. Now there are multiple open questions about how and how often we present this data to the model and I will address some of them in this post. Training Cycle In general, we have a database from……

5 excellent free Resources for Deep Learning Beginners

A bit over a year ago I got the offer to write a Master’s thesis about Deep Learning, but the problem was that I had almost no prior knowledge about it. So it was not that long ago that I myself was scrambling for resources to learn more about Neural Networks and how to actually……

Reading brand new Computer Science research papers for free

Have you ever wondered what researchers are currently working on in computer science or AI? It’s actually very easy to find out and best of all: most of the research papers are available for free! First of all I want to talk about arXiv is the platform where most computer science and math……

Tutorial: How to use Tensorboard with Pytorch

While I was training my first networks, I ran into the problem of having to calculate, save and then plot all of the accuracies and losses per epoch. Because I wanted to focus on training, my plots weren’t the prettiest either. This is where I got the tip to use Tensorboard for displaying my results.……

Linear Regression: Theory And Implementation With Numpy Or Scikit-learn

What is regression, anyways? Regression is a way to find relationships between different variables or data points and then use this to predict new values. An example would be data about houses. We can observe various things about them like the number of rooms, the city it’s located in, the year it was built and……

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