You have probably heard of the train-test-split in the context of machine learning, which is fairly intuitive. Show some examples to your model, let it learn and then test it on other examples. But there is one more data split that is used and that is the train-validation-test split or sometimes achieved by using cross-validation.……
Category: Data Science
How to present data in context – Chapter 1 Summary Storytelling with Data
Summary of Chapter 1, called “The importance of context”, of the book Storytelling with Data. Book website. Book cover of the original book I’m talking about here, would recommend. Don’t have affiliate links, so please find it yourself in your favorite book store. Presenting data is a scientific and fact-based endeavor, right? “Storytelling with Data”……
I’m a Data Science Consultant – What even is that?
There has been a lot of talk about “the sexiest job” of… I think it was back in 2012?! I’m talking about the role of Data Scientist. So a few people know what that is about. But what then is a Data Science Consultant?! Since I have been recently hired in such a role, let……