Machine Learning Study Goals – April 2023: Transformer paper & Outlier Detection with Deep Learning

Last month I took a month off from setting study goals and I made basically zero progress on my studies. Admittedly it was also deadline month at work, so time and energy was rare. No matter the reasons, this month I’m back to sharing my goals online to hold myself accountable and to inspire you……

Completing a Data Science Project in 14 days – Fraud Detection Challenge Announcement

I’m challenging myself to do a full data science project on a Kaggle data set in 14 days – including data understanding, preprocessing, modeling and evaluation. I’m sharing this to make sure I actually do it and to show a realistic portrayal of what is possible in 14 days if you’re not a Kaggle grandmaster.……

Machine Learning Study Goals – January 2023: SHAP paper & getting started with Scala

In this monthly post, I tell you what I plan to study or improve on in the area of machine learning (including an update at the end of the month). Oh, and if you want to receive (bi)weekly updates on how I’m doing with these goals, consider subscribing to my newsletter 😉 Goal 1: Read……

How to install Scala on Windows and use Scala kernel in Jupyter Notebooks

If you’re coming from Python or another language that often makes use of Jupyter notebooks, you might have become a bit addicted to them like me. Especially when learning a new language, like Scala now, or functionality I often want to check my intermediate results when coding and Jupyter notebooks provide a visual and comfortable……

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