By now, this is turning into a monthly tradition on this blog: I’m sharing my goals for improving at Machine Learning with you and at the end of the month I update you on how I did to keep myself accountable. This one looks quite ambitious, but I have some free brain capacity due to……
Author: GalaxyInferno
First project as a Data Science Consultant: tasks, tools, meetings
Consulting can be a frustrating business to enter into as a newcomer. Because every time you ask a consultant a question about their typical work, they tend to answer with “It depends.” Because a lot of our day-to-day depends on the specific data science consulting project but also on the client. So after recently completing……
Machine Learning Study Goals – August 2022
What do I want to learn this month? I liked doing this last month, so let’s continue this tradition of sharing my study goals for now. Quick context, I already have university degrees and I started a job in January in Data Science that I enjoy, so my goals are largely internally motivated. The number……
5 Reasons why I love Machine Learning
Many people in tech wonder which direction to go into: should they do machine learning, should they learn about cyber security or stick to web development? Personally I decided on machine learning and in this post I’ll take apart my reasons for why – other than “It’s just interesting”, which honestly is what comes to……
What is validation data used for? – Machine Learning Basics
You have probably heard of the train-test-split in the context of machine learning, which is fairly intuitive. Show some examples to your model, let it learn and then test it on other examples. But there is one more data split that is used and that is the train-validation-test split or sometimes achieved by using cross-validation.……
“An average new channel that did not blow up” – My first month on Youtube (August 2021)
After thinking about doing it for years, I published my first Youtube video on August 1st. Since I’m the queen of overthinking, I researched a ton about what to expect in my first month and how long it would take me to get 1,000 subscribers and everything else you could research instead of actually jumping……
Epochs, Iterations and Batch Size – Deep Learning Basics Explained
At the start of every Deep Learning problem, we have a data set and a largely untrained model. Now there are multiple open questions about how and how often we present this data to the model and I will address some of them in this post. Training Cycle In general, we have a database from……
5 excellent free Resources for Deep Learning Beginners
A bit over a year ago I got the offer to write a Master’s thesis about Deep Learning, but the problem was that I had almost no prior knowledge about it. So it was not that long ago that I myself was scrambling for resources to learn more about Neural Networks and how to actually……
50 Fun Facts about me that might surprise you
1 – When I’m sick or worried, I learn vocabulary from a language I know nothing about. It’s exciting because it’s all new and it allows me to distract myself from whatever is going on. 2 – I love hammocks and bought one to use in my garden in the first year after I moved……
Reading brand new Computer Science research papers for free
Have you ever wondered what researchers are currently working on in computer science or AI? It’s actually very easy to find out and best of all: most of the research papers are available for free! First of all I want to talk about arXiv is the platform where most computer science and math……